


In February 2016, our General Manager Mr. WuXiaofei visited and investigated on Indian market. He was warmly welcomed by Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Minister of Internal Affairs in India.In New Delhi, the Minister and Mr. Wu Xiaofei had a friendly conversationand took photos together.


In January 2016, our General Manager Mr. Wu Xiaofei was awarded with thetitle of "2015 Positive Energy of New Foreign Trade in Zhejiang Region" byAlibaba.

In January 2016 we were awarded with the title of"Superior Client of Zhejiang Region" granted by Alibaba and we were appointedas an E-commerce learning base. Our Sales Director Mr. Wu Xiaoyang attended theaward ceremony.

In January 2016, our E-commerceplatform continued to hold the "Key Enterprise of Service Industry" awardgranted by the People's Government of Liushi Town for recognizing ouroutstanding performance in high- and new-tech E-commerce service industry.



On November 23, 2015, Mr.Wu Xiaofei, General Manager of the Company won the Award of Most Popularityduring the Alibaba "Moving E-commerce Person of Zhejiang Province" Campaign.


From November 3 to 7 of2015, we made our remarkable debut in the 18th Industrial Fair inShanghai and achieved a great deal in the fair.


On August 8, 2015, thethree-day-long 2015 Mid-year Management Meeting of Saip Group was held inMeilan Lake International Conference Center in Shanghai. During the conference,the mid- and high-level management of the Company took part in the "Fun inMeilan Lake, Enjoy Golf" activity organized by the Company.

Apr. 3

Inthe morning on April 3, 2015, Saip Electric Group grandly held the 2014"Pragmatism, Innovation, Cooperation, Dream" Appraisal Meeting in the WealthHall of Hawaii Hotel. General Manager of the Group, Mr. Wu Xiaofei, and otherleaders and department workers participated in the meeting.


In April 2015, T-mall BusinessDivision launched E-shop, an excellent E-commerce software. The launch of thissoftware not only brings customer with more superior shopping experience butalso underpins a more solid foundation for the rapid growth of our T-mallBusiness Division.


On December 23, 2015, we were awarded with thetitle of Alibaba's Dream Trip-"B2B Cross-border E-commerce Demonstration Base" by Alibaba Zhejiang Region. General Manager Wu Xiaofei attended the award ceremony.


Mar. 15

On March 15, 2014, the three day long annualmeeting of the Group was held grandly in the"Beijiao Hotel"in Gucun Park,Shanghai City. During the meeting, all the staff participated in thewell-prepared "Woodpecker" Revelry Party on a cruiseship on Huangpu River.


In the beginning of 2014, we invested more ininformation technology and introduced OA, Enter, and HR management software tocontinue to improve our management system. Having newly introduced Aliexpress,ebay and other E-commerce platforms and by fully upgrading TrustPass and ourofficial website, we have developed dozens of categories and thousands of typesof new products. In the same year, Shanghai Saipwell Electric Co., Ltd.relocated to Redstone Technology Building in Shanghai, employing 150 salesengineers and recruiting agents all over the world.



The Headquarter of Saip Electric Co., Ltd. relocatedin the Science Building in Liushi Industrial Zone in September 2013. Coveringan area of 3000 square meters, the office building has been well equipped withcanteen, activity center, conference center, and display halls.



The Company createdSaipwell brand and established Saipwell Electric Co., Ltd. in May 2011 todevelop overseas market.


June 8

The Company headquartered in Liuchuan Building onJune 8, 2009 and started to develop and expand its E-commerce team. In the sameyear in Liushi Industrial Zone, the Company started to establish its owntechnology team with independent R&D capacity. As a result of that, ourproduction capacity evolved rapidly.


May 8

Mr. Greg established Saip Electric Group Co., Ltd.in Liushi Town-China's Electric Appliance Center-on May 8, 2006 and set up Saipbrand in the same year.